
Wildgirl Hall Complete

This is Wildgirl Hall, a somewhat luxurious mansion for eight young women on a simreality show. The four level Chateau comes furnished with 8 master bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, an expandable kitchen and dining room, 2 libraries, a hanging wing, pillars and balconies, public restrooms, and outdoor patios. The Wildgirl Household Tweaked lives here. Careful decisions were made in crafting their faces and color matching their wardrobes. Play them or kick them out and get their headquarters!
created by ShooshMalooka
This is Wildgirl Hall, a somewhat luxurious mansion for eight young women on a simreality show. The four level Chateau comes furnished with 8 master bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, an expandable kitchen and dining room, 2 libraries, a hanging wing, pillars and balconies, public restrooms, and outdoor patios. The Wildgirl Household Tweaked lives here. Careful decisions were made in crafting their faces and color matching their wardrobes. Play them or kick them out and get their headquarters!
  • 06/16/09
  • 972
  • 12
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 8
  • 40 x 40

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Created By

ShooshMalooka Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 08, 2009 Total Creations 17 Total Recommendations 40 Location US
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