Wildgirl Household Tweaked

These are the Wildgirls, intended social townie material. I have revisited and tweaked them with the sole purpose of making them look as humanly realistic as possible. Hair was highlighted and some traits such as Insane and No Sense of Humor were removed. The result is a collection of attractive, fashionable girls that I am 99% satisfied with. As before, each of them has her own color combo with some new patterns. Their awesome four level HQ, Wildgirl Hall, is also available from my uploads.
created by ShooshMalooka
These are the Wildgirls, intended social townie material. I have revisited and tweaked them with the sole purpose of making them look as humanly realistic as possible. Hair was highlighted and some traits such as Insane and No Sense of Humor were removed. The result is a collection of attractive, fashionable girls that I am 99% satisfied with. As before, each of them has her own color combo with some new patterns. Their awesome four level HQ, Wildgirl Hall, is also available from my uploads.
  • 06/16/09
  • 314
  • 5
  • EN
  • 8
  • §30,000

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Created By

ShooshMalooka Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 08, 2009 Total Creations 17 Total Recommendations 40 Location US
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