Liamowersowns1's Blog
: February 2010
I thought i would take a shot at this comp as I have a funny story
POSTED ON 02/12/10
I received my copy of the Sims 3 on a Friday this unfourtunate event happened to occour on the Wednesday. I had just completed my second Sim on the Sims 3.

His name was Lucien Heart I planned for him to be ultra romantic, and to be the guy Sunset Valley was talking about. I decided to make him go out to the square for the day, as work was not on.

If you know me you\'ll know i have a tendancy to make romantic Sims I adore go out into the centre of Sunset Valley and just mess with people, getting lovey-dovey and then... Break their heart.

After i had just spotted my prey walking out of the grocery store I was going to  break her heart. I started with the freindly greeting and the chatting until...

I saw her from the corner of my eye just at the edge of my screen the ultimate prize! the ultimate heart break! Someone who was unbeleivably irresistable...


I could hear her whispering my name, L..uci..en... I had no choice but to abanndon the woman i had just met who gave me a rather un-flattered look.
I ran over to Agnes, Agnes looked at me and gave me that glare and that frown that is to die for, I regained my cool and went over.

After a short chat I was having trouble convincing Agnes  she didn\'t buy the whole.
\"Sucessful, I\'m sucessful, does in get any better than mailroom clerk?\"
I had a shot at complementing her personality when suddenly it hit me.
I wasn\'t here to break her heart.. I loved her!

I told her my situation feeling its better to come clean with thimgs like that.
She paused for a moment then said.
\"I was only here to break your heart!\"
\"Perhaps we could be together, you know move in?\"
\"Please Agnes give it a chance!!\"

She stared at me awkwardly, the leant towards me and whispered.
\"Im only here to break your heart!\"
She ran of into the sunset
leaving me heartbroken.

Thats not even the worst part.

I had the \"lost a freind\" moodlet for the next 24 hours