mikashi2's Blog
: October 2023
When Can We Expect Casinos to Return to the Sims
POSTED ON 10/24/23

TheSims is a video game franchise famous for life-simulation games. The games,first launched in 2000, allow players to build their characters' Sims,' whichthey control. The video games were created by Maxis and published by ElectronicArts.

Thenext series, Sims 5, will be released in 2024, and players are eager to see if itwill feature more casino games. Below is an overview of what to expect from theSims 5.

More CasinoGaming Action in the Sims

Casino gaming wasfirst introduced to The Sims in the third series with the introduction of theLucky Simoleon Casino. The casinos in The Sims mimic real casinos in top gamingdestinations like Pennsylvania or Las Vegas.

The casinos in TheSims offer various games, including poker and slots. The casinos make it feellike you are gambling in the US at these exquisite sites ranked by online-casinos according tothe quality of their services.

Features Players Expect in the Sims 5

While the games'graphics and complexity have improved since the first franchise, gamers feelthat notable elements from previous games are missing. Most players share asimilar opinion that some of these features should return in The Sims 5.

More Random Events

The Sims 2, inparticular, had a range of random and ed events that made gaming morerealistic and interesting. The Sims 2 Burglar element saw Sims' homes robbed orattacked by aliens at random.

The highunpredictability added extreme gaming fun since players couldn't tell whatto expect next. The Sims 4 has a few elements of random events, like fires,but they're less frequent and significant than in other Sims.

The Sims 3Color wheel

One thing gamers worldwideare missing from The Sims 3 is the extent of customization options for Sims andother items. Before, players had hundreds of patterns to choose from whilebuilding.

You could apply thesepatterns to every item in the game, which delivered a more realistic experiencesince you'd feel like you are part of the game.


In the original Sims,there are seven worlds and 88 lots, which give players more choices withbuilding and overall gameplay. The same was present in The Sims 2 and 3, withthese two even allowing you to place lots freely in the world.

The feature allowedyou to makeyour neighborhood unique with endless building capabilities. These excitingfeatures are absent in The Sims 4, and more gamers long for their return.

The Sims 3Fairies

The developers introducedfairies for the first time in The Sims 3: Supernatural, allowing you tocustomize your favorite fairy and play as them. It allowed gamers to explorefairies' abilities, which delivered a lot of fun and entertainment.

Unfortunately,fairies have not been seen in any of The Sims 4, frustrating a good percentageof gamers. The Sims 4: Cottage Living was an excellent opportunity for the developerto add these adorable characters, but that hasn't happened yet.

AdditionalDating Options

In The Sims 4franchise, finding love for your Sims feels forced. You have to hope your Sims'soulmate will bump into them. Previous versions had diverse choices in relationto dating and in-game love.

The Sims 2, forexample, has The Matchmaker, who visits gamers' Sims to make perfect matches.You also have the turn-on and off options to help you indicate whether you likea particular Sims or not.

The Sims 3 came withan online dating option for Sims, which was a great addition to the games.

The Sims 2 Cars and Transportation Feature

If you have enjoyedThe Sims 2, you most likely remember how Sims could travel easily between lotsby walking or riding a bike or car. This was one of the most exciting featuresof The Sims. Unfortunately, it was missing in The Sims 4.

Most players feelthat playing The Sims without this feature makes gaming limitless. In earlierversions, you could exploredifferent worlds or move between lots even without a load screen, somethingthat's not possible in The Sims 4.

Gamers would love tosee its comeback in the coming franchise since it gives them more freedom toand fewer load screens, leaving more time for gaming.

The Sims 3Zodiac Signs

The Sims haveexciting features, such as The Sims 3 Zodiac signs, that allow you to give Simstheir unique star signs. The feature gave the games more character and feltmore realistic since gamers could select their favorite Zodiac sign.

Besides being able togive the Sims a Zodiac, you could also give them your preferred season ofbirth. It was a simple yet fun feature that made playing The Sims moreenjoyable.

Zodiacs are somethingmany people love exploring, and adding it in The Sims 5 will likely attractmore gamers. It's also a great way to ensure players interact with featuresthey love while playing their favorite games.