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: May 2023
How Does Ativan Work?
POSTED ON 05/05/23

Ativan works by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate the activity of nerve cells in the brain. By increasing the activity of GABA, Ativan helps to slow down the activity of nerve cells in the brain, which can help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.


Ativan Dosage and Administration

Ativan is available in tablet form and is typically taken orally. The dosage of Ativan prescribed will depend on the condition being treated, the severity of the condition, and other factors such as age, weight, and medical history. Ativan is usually prescribed for short-term use, typically for two to four weeks.


It is important to take Ativan exactly as prescribed by a healthcare provider. Taking more than the prescribed dose or taking it for longer than recommended can increase the risk of side effects and dependence.  Buy Ativan online overnight delivery.


Side Effects of Ativan

Like all medications, Ativan can cause side effects. Common side effects of Ativan include drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, headache, and nausea. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own as the body adjusts to the medication.


Less common side effects of Ativan include confusion, memory problems, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, and allergic reactions. If any of these side effects occur, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.


Ativan and Dependence

Ativan, like other benzodiazepines, has a high potential for dependence. Dependence occurs when the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the medication and requires it to function normally. Addiction can lead to withdrawal symptoms if the medication is stopped suddenly.


Withdrawal symptoms of Ativan can include anxiety, insomnia, irritability, tremors, and seizures. To avoid withdrawal symptoms, Ativan should be tapered off gradually under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Buy Ativan online from a trusted website.