CrescentMoonPye's Blog
: February 2012
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey's neighbor, C.M. Pye
POSTED ON 02/29/12
Thinking about it, this new Comment format is like a mailman who leaves your mail on the lawn and the wind blows half of it away before you get the chance to even read it. Hope there weren't any bills in there.


Guest thought: by k2m1too

5 Stages of Sim Grief:

Denial - EA won't change my page!  Nobody wants this!

Anger - What the what?! EA Changed my page!  I hate it!  This sux!  {shakes fist at EA}

Bargaining - Change it back or I'm leaving, EA!

Depression - I can't deal with this, I'm deleting all of my friends!

Acceptance - I think I kinda like this eavesdropping thing.... tee-hee


How do you let go of something if it is not in your hand.


Live in the center. Keep the rest around you so that you can see where it is.


Don't forget to leave breadcrumbs behind you, so that you can find your way back.


I'm missing something that I lost within myself and I'm still hunting for it. Have YOU seen it, by chance?

Note to self: Sunken lot fix technique
POSTED ON 02/25/12
KAuss Date: 17th Jun 2009 Sunken lot in Riverview - MTS thread:
I had this problem too... However, I just CFE and leveled the floor, then I use the hammer to destroy everything, then hit undo to bring them back...

I do that because the house will then bring all objects back to floor level...

You do have to redo the roof though...

Houses with foundations are jacked up however... Foundations with CFE turns into full height walls after you level the floor

This solution worked great for me.

A few notes though - remove the roof and all stairs before doing the above. Once the above's done, then use the sledgehammer/undo routine until everything is straightened out, back in its place.

This belongs in the prior post, but it won't let me edit it. :P Grrrrr...
POSTED ON 02/20/12
'Sweet Chateau' Revisited - EA lot redecorated by me
POSTED ON 02/20/12

Well, my upload may be missing most of its pics, but the lot works - so who cares, right? XD  : /

Go here to see more info, because I will take pics of the household living in it.


Here's some interior shots to give you some idea what I did to the lot:

100% CC Free lot (click pic above for link)


Belated wishes from Gerard J. Butler
POSTED ON 02/16/12

Dear GJB fans,

Gerry's agent, publicist, and manager here. I just wanted to apologize for the delayed Valentine to you all. There was a mix-up in the courier's instructions and he took the pic to LA instead of New York. But we got it sorted, so please accept Gerry's and my heartfelt thanks for all of your fan support. It really means a lot to both of us.

A second apology from me is in order because I'm afraid one of my obsessive decisions to reorganize Gerry's life again has caused studio link confusion. I felt compelled me to re-upload Gerry with the 'Great Kisser' trait instead of the 'Dramatic' trait.

Let me be very clear: Gerry is not, and has never been, a whinger or drama queen! He works very hard with very little complaint and I would appreciate it if the 72 lovely fans that downloaded him before would use testingcheatsenabled to change that trait assignment mistake that I initially made. I was under the impression that 'Dramatic' meant thespian, not whiner. : /  My bad!

In all other respects, Gerry's upload is exactly the same as the previous one. Oh! Except for his everyday shoes which he changed out for hiking boots. But those were the only 2 changes, I promise!!

I beg your forgiveness and truly hope that you will not hold any of my mistakes against Gerry, as he was never aware that he was being promoted as an insecure attention-seeker. I hope he doesn't fire me over this!


C.M. 'Cressie' Pye, agent/manager to famously Notorious Sims like Gerry.