aimlesscoyote's Studio
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Gamichial is a teen!

Gamichial has a birthday, and graduates into teenhood. He doesn't look so bad (after a bit of tweaking).




"Er, Dean, was it? You know I bought those drums for my son, right? It's his birthday...?"



Martial arts

While Michael cuts gems they extracted from space rocks, Gabriel trains their son in martial arts. --"Be gentle on him, Brother," warns Michael. "I don't want -any- bruises." --"Bruises come later," Gabriel answers. "He's got to learn the basics, first. No son of mine will be untrained! Go, son, harder!" --Michael shrugs and goes back to gemcutting. He needs to make some money before the family goes broke.




Michael goes to sell the jewels, and is arrested! Well, at least they put the cuffs on him. "Ma'am, I promise you, those are -not- stolen goods! My partner and I got them out of space rocks. Really!" He loses his patience, however. And Gabriel is in the bathroom. So he does what he must.




His wrists are tied, but his wings aren't. He whips them out at full speed, faster than a hurricane wind. The cop is flung across the room. She bounces against the wall and passes out. Michael clears his throat, glances at the online salesclerk, and calls: "Gabriel? Do you happen to have a hacksaw?" --Gabriel strolls in, sees the situation, and starts laughing. "My poor, sweet Brother! So you're back where you belong, I see. No, I don't. Let me slit the throat of these two, and we'll be off."




Michael averts his eyes as Gabriel takes care of the witnesses. He is ashamed of what he's caused. Gabriel takes him in his arms and dips him playfully. "Now we go home, and I'll work at getting those handcuffs off. ...Eventually." --Michael sighs. "Brother, I have not killed this many people in centuries." --"Only getting back to your regular self," Gabriel assures him. "Let's go home. Son! Follow."



Home again! in handcuffs

Before they leave, Gabriel bends to sink his teeth into the cop's throat. Michael shudders and looks away. Gabriel winks at him and leads him home, still handcuffed. The house is once again full of ghosts, but Gabriel ignores those and sits Michael down on the bed. When Michael resists, Gabriel shoves him, hard. He then lowers hi body against Michael, pinning him to the bed. --"Brother, don't," whispers Michael, still ashamed and sickened by what happened. Gabriel just gives a dark smile.



It's not like you haven't

Gabriel stretches out on top of Michael, holding him down. He presses their lips together, and to Michael's shock, Gabriel feeds him a mouthful of blood! He jerks sharply, wings pushing upward, legs kicking, but Gabriel just slides between his thighs and forces the issue. His smile is beatific, yet he pinches Michael's nose so he has to swallow. Michael chokes it down, shuddering. "Shhh," Gabriel whispers, and softly kisses him. "Now we'll be together. It's not like you've never had it before."



You know I haven't

Michael gasps as Gabriel nuzzles, then sinks sharp teeth into his neck. "You k-know I haven't!" Michael exclaims. "Not in centuries. Father forbade it! Now you've awakened my hunger for it. Is THIS what you call being together?" Gabriel's fangs draw the blood from his throat, and a tiny moan from his chest. --"I didn't hurt you," breathes Gabriel. "I love you. Don't fight."




Afterward, Michael lies in a daze, wrists still bound. Gabriel cuddles him, easing the hurt of what he just did. Michael's nostrils flare, but he hasn't the will to get free. "You have shamed me," he whispers. "I was clean, Brother." --"You're a murdering, vicious creature. Just like me." Gabriel smiles. "We were made for this." --"Yes. I've killed. But never on a whim." --"Hush," Gabriel breathes. "It will be fine."



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