aimlesscoyote's Studio
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What's that?

After dinner, Michael notices Gabriel drinking from a bottle. "What is that?" he asks. --Gabriel looks up. "It's a sort of artificial blood, like Tru Blood." --"How many genres are we going to mix?" Michael sighs. "Isn't it bad enough we have the Winchesters from Supernatural running around?" --Gabriel shrugs. "The point is that it fills my hunger. You should try it." --Michael shakes his head. "I'm doing just fine with solid food. I don't want to tempt myself with even a hint of blood."




Michael is chatting idly with Gabriel, when suddenly Gabriel stiffens. "Brother? That's a Zombie in our garden." --Michael groans. "Brother, no killing tonight! Please!" --But Gabriel runs off, sword in hand, to chop up some zombies.



Grr argh!

Gabriel neatly wipes out the zombie threatening their garden, then goes on to the two paparazzi lounging on their porch. Suddenly Michael comes running out of the house, "Heads up, Brother. We've got a bigger problem!" --"Such as?" --"Ghosts!"



Ghosts and more! happy full moon :)

As Michael confronts one ghost, two more appear. To make matters worse, a zombie rises from the ground just behind him. Gabriel leaps on the zombie, beating it down with his fists before it can attack his Brother. Then he stands over the twitching corpse, staring at the ghosts gathering around them. "I vaguely recognize these ghosts." --"You do?" --"Yes... they are all people I've killed." --"Oh F'ing great," mutters Michael. "Just what we need."



OMG lol

AND a floating, dead werewolf head in the living room! ((YAY for game randomness lolol ))




The Grim Reaper sits down with Gamichial at the table. Whenever a ghost coms too near the child, he flicks his bony fingers and sends them off. "So how are you keeping up your with homework?"



Oh bloody hell

Michael just stands beside the porch, looking in all directions. There are half a dozen ghosts, three zombies, and the Grim Reaper all around his home. Yet none of them seems to be bothering him... or Gamichial. He pulls the boy close, watching them circle around Gabriel. "Oh bloody h_ll," he mutters. "This is going to get ugly."




Michael holds his frightened son close, whispering, "Don't be afraid. They are only the spirits of humans, freed from their bodies. I will protect you, I swear." --"I'm not afraid, Father," Gamichial answers. "But why is Other-Father killing all the time?" --"He is not well, my son." Michael kisses him on the forehead. "Return to bed. And don't let Grim tuck you in, either."



An unexpected gift!

At Gamichial's teen birthdy, Sam Winchester brings Michael an unexpected gift: flowers! Gabriel is standing right there. ((Check out the chick's look, behind Michael. lol))



Uhhh, no.

Gabriel turns around and calmly states: "I hate to break up this incipient date. But Michael is MINE. Go hunt werewolves or whatever it is you do. .... Now." --Sam blinks at him and wanders off.



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