  Featured :  11/20/12

Maple Manor - 3br, 2.5ba

Welcome to Maple Manor, a famous abode! This home was seen in the winter live broadcast prior to the release of The Sims 3 Seasons, making it ideal for Sim families who have a flair for the dramatic, or perhaps those who just want a seasonally stunning slice of life. Curious to see this home's humble beginnings? Watch an archived version of the live chat here: http://www.origin.com/sims-3-seasons-chat
created by SimGuruSemedi
Welcome to Maple Manor, a famous abode! This home was seen in the winter live broadcast prior to the release of The Sims 3 Seasons, making it ideal for Sim families who have a flair for the dramatic, or perhaps those who just want a seasonally stunning slice of life. Curious to see this home's humble beginnings? Watch an archived version of the live chat here: http://www.origin.com/sims-3-seasons-chat
  • 11/17/12
  • 7554
  • 457
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 0
  • 32 x 32
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SimGuruSemedi Visit My Studio Member SinceMay 26, 2010 Total Creations 75 Total Recommendations 1,990 Location US
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