- 08/29/10
- 4688
- 270
- EN
- Residential
- 0
- 40 x 40
Wisteria Hill by ruthless_kk
This Exchange item contains one or more items from the Sims 3 Store, expansion pack(s) and/or stuff pack(s).
If you own the store item/expansion/stuff pack(s) noted below, the item will download properly.
If you don’t have the Store Item(s)/Expansion or Stuff Pack(s) mentioned in this item installed on your system, the item will download from the Exchange and can still be installed. Upon download of the content, you will see a warning icon in the status section in The Sims 3 Launcher notifying that you are missing content. In place of the missing content you will receive a similar default item in its place, or, no item at all.
Expansion/Stuff Packs Used
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Potted Orchids Divine
Orchids are among some of the world's most exotic and long lasting flowers. Grace your home with one of these uniquely divine examples of beauty.
Gothique Relics
What magical potions, perfumes, or tonics could be hiding in these exquisite vials? No one can know for sure, but they're sure to inspire your guests'...
Penelope Bed
Every girl dreams of sleeping in a bed like this, under a romantic canopy. Even if you're not a girl, you can still indulge your girlish fantasies with the...
Shades of Heart
Love your windows by dressing them up with the Shades of Heart. Colored with different shapes and shades of pink hearts, this curtain will express your love to...
Foyer Frills
With the intricate carvings, this table needs no more than one decorative object on its surface. That is, unless your Sim loves clutter.
Pastoral Practical Kitchen Shelf
Everything you need to prepare countryside cuisine is always within reach. Much more practical than many things high-tech!
Venerable Vellum Volume Vault
Books: the burden of the idle rich. 1st editions, rare manuscripts, investment-grade comics, a luxuriously illustrated Kama Sutra - where do you put them all!...
Morris Wide Curtain
A window as wide and fine as yours deserves a curtain textile as wide and fine as ours, we're sure.
Gothique Curtain
Adorn your windows with this floor length Gothique curtain and be carried away by its magical elegance in your living room.
Morris Curtain
A window as fine as yours deserves a curtain textile as fine as ours, we're sure.